Customer Service

Customer Service

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I return an order free of charge?

Unfortunately, returns are not free of charge. The shipping costs of the return package are for your own account. We would like to ask you to register your return via the returns portal.

Can I exchange an item?

Unfortunately it is not possible to exchange an item. Should you require a different size or color of an item, you can place a new order. The items you do not want to keep, you can easily return via our return portal. The amount of the returned items will be refunded.

Will I have my order in tomorrow?

Delivery time may vary by product. Items with personalization or a release date may have a longer delivery time. Therefore, we communicate on the product page and in the shopping cart the expected delivery time that applies to that product. You can also track your package via the track & trace code, which you will receive when we have shipped the package.

When will I receive my money back after a return?

Once we receive a returned package, it takes up to two weeks for us to notify you that we have processed the return and issued a refund. The refund will be issued in the same manner as the payment method you used when placing the order.

Do you have another question? Our customer service is ready for you. Have a look at the overview underneath to see at which times and channels we're available.

By Phone

You can reach us on +31 416 293 014 on working days from 09.00 till 21.00 (CET) and on saturday and sunday from 10.00 till 17.00 (CET).


Are you more a Whatsapp kind of person? No problem for us! You can always send a message to +31416-652803. We try to give a reaction on Whatsapp within two hours and we are active on working days from 09.00 till 21.00 (CET) and on saturday and sunday from 10.00 till 17.00 (CET).


Sending an 'old-fashioned' e-mail is of course possible as well. Mail to [email protected].